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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

Blistering vs. Hail Damage: How to Tell the Difference

There are many reasons for roof repair in Arkansas, but two particular issues stand out as more frequently occurring events: hail damage and shingle blistering. That said, the two look eerily similar, and it can be challenging to differentiate the root cause of the damage without a bit of background knowledge. 

That’s where Shamrock Roofing comes into play. As the premier roofing company in Arkansas, we pride ourselves on being the resource you need to diagnose and manage any roofing issues. You can always contact us for help inspecting your roof, but we’ve also taken the time to summarize some of the most important facts about these two common roofing woes so you can do a little detective work yourself.

Blistering vs. Hail Damage: Why Is Diagnosis So Important?

It’s vital to be able to tell the difference between roof damage caused by blistering and that caused by hail. For starters, determining the root cause of the problem impacts the treatment plan. Blistering is typically the result of shoddy installation, low-quality manufacturing, or inadequate attic ventilation, while hail damage is caused by severe, uncontrollable weather conditions. Knowing what caused the damage will help your roofer determine the next steps. Plus, the cause of the damage can impact whether or not your insurance carrier agrees to reimburse you for any repairs — something that should definitely be on your radar! 

Signs of Hail Damage

There are a few simple ways to spot hail damage. Often, there are physical manifestations. A telltale sign is the presence of roofing granules in your gutters and downspouts. Additionally, hail makes large indents or divots in your roof. The area surrounding these spots will be flat with a lack of texture as the granules are often stripped off during a hail storm. You can also check the metal portions of your roof (like the flashing) for damage. Metal takes the brunt of hail damage, and you’ll notice dents and dings on the metal parts of your gutter system — often a sign of hail. 

Signs of Blistering

Blistering is a more prolonged process, as visible, concerning damage takes a while to develop. That said, partnering with a good roofing company in Arkansas will help you identify early signs and be proactive with your roofing care. Blistering results in raised dimples across your rooftop. They can look similar to hail marks to the untrained eye, but your roofer will be looking for a raised circle around the mark — an indication of residue from a rising blister. This contrasts with hail marks in which the surrounding area is relatively flat or indented. If you’re still within your warranty period and you notice any pock marks, you can assign the damage to poor manufacturing or installation. 

I’ve Spotted the Signs. Now What

Spotting signs of roof damage (regardless of the cause) can be alarming. Knowing what to do about it can be even more daunting. That’s why it’s best to lean on the experts in roof repair in Arkansas. If you need help determining the cause of your roof damage or taking care of the repairs, give us a call at Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We offer a free roof inspection for Little Rock homeowners that will provide a full report of the condition of your roof. If you have damage, we’re here to help. And we’ll guide you every step of the way!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your free roof inspection. And leave the detective work to us!