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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

New roof options for your new home in 2021

After completing the foundation and the wall, it is time to give your house perfect roofing. Get a quality roof that will serve your home for a long period.

Many factors will determine the roof to install. Depending with your budget, there are different roofs to choose from, whether it is a new home or replacing a roof.

Asphalt shingles:

Roofing made from asphalt is common in the USA. The roof affordable and has a warranty of more than 30 years. Besides choosing asphalt as your roof, you will have different shingles colors to choose from for your top. There are two types of Asphalt shingle:

• Organic-based shingle.

• Fiberglass-based shingle.

The organic-based shingles it is very affordable. If you want to protect your roof from fire, the fiberglass-based shingle is the best choice. Fiberglass-based are lightweight and also resistant to fire.   Apart from been durable, the shingle is quick to install, which makes them more affordable.

Slate roof:

A slate roof is one of the expensive roofs to buy and install. Although the roof is expensive, it needs little or no cost maintenance. The roof has a history of being the most durable roof and can last for more than 60 years and still be in good shape.   A slate roof has a very strong material. Thus, before installing, you need an expert to inspect the house and approve if the walls can support the roof.

In case your area gets mildew, a slate roof is best since it is resistant to mildew. Slate gives you different colors of roofs. Also, the roof is durable, fire-resistant, and waterproof. For the slate to serve you best, you need an expert for proper installation.

Metal roofing:

A metal roof is the modern way of roofing your house. If you love slate, clay, or wooden shingles, then try a metal roof. The roof gives a good modern look to a new home. Besides, it is affordable compared to a slate or a clay roof.

A metal roof has different colors, which are easy to install. Suppose the area has snow and ice. Then consider having a metal roof, to make it easy to when removing the snow. The roof is durable, and it is best to recycle.   Moreover, the roof is available in different styles. This roof will also protect the house from fire, wind, rain, or hails.

Green roofing :

A green roof needs a lot of maintenance and is best installed on a flat surface. With green roofing, you will need a waterproof membrane that protects your roof, and layers of vegetation to make it green. This roof is a unique roof to install.  You can add a green roof on top of your roof. But you will need an expert to install it depending on the slope of your roof.

Installing a green roof, you will have an extended life to your roof, perfect insulation, and reduced runoffs. Green roofing can be affordable depending on the area of installation.

The thing to understand before installing a roof

Before installing the roof, there are things you should check to avoid any mistakes.

• Choosing a cheap roof will be expensive after few years. Thus, buy a quality, durable roof.

• Get an expert to install your roof.

• Ask the contractor for important documents such as insurance and building permit.

• Inspect the roof after installation and ensure the contractor installed it as per the agreement.

• Research before hiring a contractor.

• Understand the area and know the roof that will be suitable.

The above mentioned are some best roofs to consider for your house. Each roof has its benefit. Depending on your budget, there is a roof for your home. When you are ready to start, we can help you have a quality top. Call now 913-850-6556. Our experts are always ready to assist you.