3 Roofing Mistakes Homeowners Often Make

The roof of your home is a utility player. Not only does it play a significant role aesthetically, but It’s also a foundational component of your home’s infrastructure, serving as the first line of defense against unwanted invaders (storms, critters, etc.). That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to take a thoughtful approach when it comes time for installation, replacement, or roof repair in Arkansas.
Shamrock Roofing and Construction has served customers in the central United States, including Rogers and Fayetteville, for over 55 years. We’ve seen many mistakes made by well-intentioned homeowners trying to care for their roofs on their own. We love a good DIY project as much as the next person. But we feel bad for customers who end up having to call us to fix what they started.
Here are some of the most common mistakes homeowners make when tackling DIY roofing projects. Many of these can be avoided with a little forethought and planning.
Using the Wrong Roofing Contractor
With your roof being such an important asset, you can’t afford to work with the wrong roofing contractor. Make sure you check your roofer’s credentials and licensing, ask for pictures of past work, and do a quick internet search for recent customer reviews. Unfortunately, there are plenty of imposters out there who claim to be experts on roofing in Arkansas. True heroes will have plenty of documentation to back their claims, so don’t be afraid to ask for it!
Cutting Corners with Installation and Repair
Of course, when it comes to your home, you can’t afford to be under construction for very long. That’s why many homeowners try to engage in DIY roof repair in Arkansas. They hope that the process will be cheaper and quicker than going through an official roofing contractor.
This mindset turns out to be one of the top mistakes made by homeowners. Knowing the right materials to use, such as nail length and style, appropriate sealant, and adequate moisture barrier, to name a few, make a big difference in the outcome. So do activities like marking the correct dimensions (especially on the overhang) and installing pieces and parts based on the manufacturer’s guidelines. Layering techniques and flashing installations also come into play and are best handled by professionals. Don’t be the homeowner that cuts corners when it comes to installation and repair. Hire a true roofing expert.
Failure to Maintain Ventilation Systems
Many homeowners don’t realize that ventilation goes hand in hand with your roofing structure. Without adequate ventilation, your roof is at risk for water damage and the eventual need for repairs by a team of experts on roofing in Arkansas.
Appropriately placed vents help circulate fresh air and keep the temps in your home balanced. However, many homeowners aren’t aware of how to assess their home for adequate ventilation. In addition, it can be difficult to know how to correct a problem once identified. That’s where the experts come into play. Don’t make the mistake of brushing aside the importance of ventilation. Give us a call to help you make the assessment!
Call Shamrock for All Your Roofing Needs
If you live in Rogers, Fayetteville, or the surrounding metro areas, Shamrock Roofing and Construction is your go-to resource for roofing in Arkansas. We can ease your worries and keep you from making any major mistakes when it comes to roof repair and maintenance. Contact us today. We’ll come out and do a free roof inspection, then come up with a game plan for your next roofing project!