4 Steps to Roof Replacement with Shamrock

Shamrock Roofing and Construction is one of the most respected residential roofing contractors in Kansas City, specializing in exceptional customer service for both commercial and residential customers. Our services include everything from a residential roof inspection to roof repair on Kansas City homes throughout the metro area. We can also help when it’s time to replace your roof.
We Make It Simple
Shamrock has developed a four-point program for residential roof replacement. Take a look.
#1. Contact us to schedule an appointment.
Before we can help you, we need to know about your project. If you suspect that your roof has been damaged or needs replacement, contact us through our website (www.shamrockroofer.com) or give us a call at 913-850-6556 to get an appointment set up for a visit.
#2. Conduct a residential roof inspection.
We’ll come out to your house and perform a no-touch 21-point residential roof inspection on your home to assess the current condition of your roof. We’ll walk the property, checking the soffits, gutters, window screens, or any other areas that look like hail or other debris (from trees, etc.) may have damaged the asphalt matting underneath the roofing material. Once that asphalt matting has been punctured, water can get in underneath it, and that leads to leaks and possible water damage, as well as the potential for mold and mildew to form. Mold and mildew lead to health problems for many, so it’s critical to get the roof fixed as quickly as possible.
#3. Meet with insurance adjusters.
If you have roof damage, you’ll want to contact your insurance company to file a claim. It’s often difficult for homeowners to represent themselves well when it comes to a topic they’re not well-versed in. This is where we shine. We meet with the insurance adjusters to walk them around the property and point out any roof damage that was discovered during our inspection. This helps the adjuster get a complete picture of the loss and increases the potential of you getting a fair settlement for the damage.
#4. Get the job done.
Once we’ve completed the three steps above, we’re ready to get to work replacing or repairing your roof. We do only what’s agreed upon ahead of time in the scope of work, and we don’t charge you a penny over what the insurance adjuster has allowed for. This is our promise to you. And this is what makes Shamrock Roofing and Construction one of the most trusted residential roofing contractors in Kansas City.
Call Today for An Appointment!
If you suspect you have roof damage and need a roof replacement or roof repair on your Kansas City home, contact us at Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We’ll put our 4-point program to work for you!