Can Reindeer Damage the Roof?

‘Tis the season! The Des Moines area is decked out in holiday decor. The air is filled with anticipation, and everyone is in a festive mood — especially the children! For them, spotting Santa and his reindeer is one of the most highly anticipated events of the season. And why not? There’s something magical about anxiously awaiting the arrival of someone bringing loads of presents every year. You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy the thrill of the story!
It’s likely that you now indulge your kiddos in this magical holiday tradition, helping them write letters to Santa and leaving cookies and milk out for him. If you love the joy of the season, you might even add a faux Santa and a team of reindeer to your roof in an effort to entice the real thing to stop by and make a delivery. Keep in mind, though, that if this happens, it could cause trouble.
Here are a few ways that reindeer damage rooftops every year.
Extra Weight Can Do Structural Damage
Roofs are designed with certain specifications and weight limitations. Extra weight — such as Santa and his sleigh — might put your roof over its weight limit. The best way to determine how much excess weight your roof can handle is to speak with a local roofing contractor in Des Moines. They can review the specs, like the roof’s age and what type of material it’s made of, and provide guidance on whether or not your roof can handle the extra load without creating problems down the road.
Extra Weight Can Damage or Break Shingles
Adding a lot of extra weight to the roof risks damaging its layers. After all, most roofing materials aren’t designed to have a team of reindeer walking all over them. Even manufactured reindeer and sleighs are made of hefty metal that requires careful attention when fastening them to the roof.
Some of the adhesives used to secure the items may actually damage the shingles when it’s time to take everything down. And rooftop ornaments can also do a lot of damage if a winter storm strikes and they’re not secured properly. You’ll want to do some research and select a reputable product, or else roof repair in Des Moines may be one of the unwanted presents you receive this year!
You May End Up With a Fire Hazard
Everyone knows that Santa gains entry to the home through the chimney. Many homeowners love the thought of a display that boasts Santa’s legs close to the chimney opening with his reindeer lined up behind him. While this idea creates a realistic picture, it also sets your home up for disaster. One loose spark and your cherished display goes up in flames (along with the rest of your home). And just imagine what would happen if Santa and his toy bag came down the chimney and dropped into a roaring fire!
It’s best to talk over alternatives with an expert on roofing in Des Moines before you set up such a display on the roof. The last thing you want is a house fire on Christmas Day!
Let Shamrock Roofing Help You Add Holiday Cheer
If you’re expecting reindeer on your roof this holiday season, you may first want to talk with Shamrock Roofing and Construction about the costs of roof repair in Des Moines. Or you can just put a sign on the roof asking Santa to bypass your house this year.
If you want to put a Santa and sleigh decoy on the roof, hire a local roofing contractor in Des Moines to help you safely bring your holiday vision to life. Shamrock Roofing can help with that too. We’ve seen all kinds of rooftop displays. We’re happy to guide you through installing one that looks great and meets your roof’s safety specs.
Contact us today with questions or to learn more about our roofing services in the Des Moines area. Then get out your favorite cookie recipe and get to work!