Owning and operating a successful business is a rewarding process, but it also requires diligence and attention to detail. Business owners have many responsibilities to juggle, but boosting the bottom line is always a top priority. That said, savvy business owners know that saving money in the long run sometimes requires a bit of sacrifice upfront.
If you have the responsibility for making a commercial property financially viable, take note. Investing in an energy-efficient roof that’s also code-compliant may be just what you need to edge the financial needle into the green.
Here’s what you need to know about code-compliant commercial roofs, brought to you by the commercial roofing experts at Shamrock Roofing and Construction.
What’s a Code-Compliant Roof?
The energy code standards of the modern era are quite different than they were in the past (as any experienced roofing contractor in Kansas City will tell you). In a nutshell, a code-compliant roof is one that adheres to national energy standards. There are thousands of commercial buildings with old roofs on them — roofs that will soon need to be replaced. Replacing these roofs with code-compliant roofing materials helps reduce the carbon footprint of the building, contributing to overall better conditions for those working in and around the structure.
Today, roofing insulation requirements have been escalated in an effort to reduce waste and the impact on the overall economy. You’ll find that many codes require added layers of insulation on a roof replacement project. Since code standards vary by location and zone, working with a local roofer is your best bet for ensuring that your roofing-related decisions are on par.
Do I Have To Comply?
Many commercial property owners wonder about the necessity of complying with local roofing codes. One good reason to do so is because a lack of compliance with roofing codes can be costly. Rather than get a fine or a sanction on your business, it’s best to comply with the rules. Hire a trusted expert on roofing in Kansas City to help you navigate the code compliance process.
A Nice Surprise
In spite of their initial reticence, many business owners are surprised to discover the additional financial benefits of moving forward with a code-compliant roof. Studies have shown that roofing upgrades reduce overall energy consumption within the building. This has a trickle-down effect on the bottom line. Less energy consumption equals lower utility costs, which in turn help the bottom line. Plus, an international focus on reducing the carbon footprint may make you eligible for rebates and tax benefits in the future.
Where Can I Find More Information?
Navigating the compliance process can be tedious and time-consuming. However, there are plenty of resources at your fingertips. The U.S. Department of Energy and ICF International, a global technology and consulting firm, are great starting points. They offer a wealth of information on recent trends and requirements, success stories, and data that you can use throughout the decision-making process.
You can also contact us at Shamrock Roofing and Construction for a more local spin on commercial roofing in Kansas City. It’s been our business for over four decades, and we’ve seen the codes change throughout the years. We can help you understand what’s needed to bring your commercial roof into compliance with local and national codes.
We also offer free roof inspections to get you started. If you’re ready to learn more about code-compliant commercial roofing, give Shamrock Roofing and Construction a call today!