Flat Roofing vs. Sloped Roofing: Pros and Cons for Commercial Buildings

Commercial property ownership is a huge commitment. Not only do you have to invest in keeping up with aesthetic trends to keep the building looking good, but you also have to plan for the future by taking care of the more mundane, everyday maintenance needs. The roof always seems to fall into this category.
However, if you find yourself in need of a roof replacement in Arkansas, it can be daunting to think about all the options available. You want to do what’s best for your property, but how do you know which route to take?
You can always contact us at Shamrock Roofing and Construction if you need guidance. We’ve been in the roofing industry for more than 55 years, and we’re always ready to answer questions from our customers.
To get you started on the analysis, we’ve summarized commercial roofing’s two main roofing styles: flat roofing and sloped roofing. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of each.
Flat Roofing
If you ask your roofing contractor in Arkansas, flat roofs are more common in the commercial sector. So-called “flat” roofs do have a pitch, but it’s so slight that the rooftop appears (and feels) flat. Flat roofs boast many benefits. They’re long-lasting, a winning argument for commercial property owners with an eye on the bottom line.
They’re also very storm-resistant and low maintenance. In fact, flat roofs with adequate drainage systems often don’t require any sort of maintenance or repair for several years after installation. All that’s needed is an annual inspection to ensure things are still in good working order. This is a welcome change compared to sloped roofing, in which routine maintenance is often recommended every six months (or more).
Of course, there are drawbacks to flat roof systems. They lack the aesthetic appeal of a sloped roofing option. They also cost significantly more upfront due to the special equipment required to keep the roof dry during installation.
Sloped Roofing
Sloped roofing has a slight pitch that’s noticeable when compared to its flat roof counterpart. Sloped roofs are more prevalent in residential communities, but there are many commercial buildings that also have sloped roofs. One of the main advantages of sloped roofing is visibility. With a higher-pitched roof, buildings that may otherwise be overlooked can be seen from the road — a great perk for drawing new customers to the business. Sloped roofs are also more cost-effective for a building owner on a budget because they don’t require an extensive drainage system like a flat roof does. Also, they incur fewer labor-related costs as the turnaround time for installation is quick and seamless. An expert roofing contractor in Arkansas can likely install a sloped roof in just a few hours.
On the downside, sloped roofs require more maintenance than flat roofs, so your costs over the roof’s lifespan may even out. Plus, there is more liability from an ownership perspective because accessing a sloped roof is much riskier than walking on a flat roof.
Not Sure Which Is Right for Your Business? Give Shamrock Roofing a Call!
When you’re ready for a roof replacement on your Arkansas commercial property, there’s no better place to turn than Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We’ll help you navigate this terrain and land on the right roofing choice for your business and your budget. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial roofing services. We’d love to partner with you to protect your investment!