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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

Get Ready for Fall with these Roof Maintenance Tips

Summer is winding down, and while the temps are cooling off, your homeowner responsibilities continue. Anyone who has lived in Arkansas for long knows that roof maintenance is part of the bargain if you want your home to maintain its value and protect your family for the long haul. 

That said, knowing the proper steps to take when it comes to your roof’s health is easier said than done. Here are some steps the experts at Shamrock Roofing and Construction recommend you take before fall arrives. Are you worried about tackling some of these roof maintenance tasks on your own? Shamrock is a trusted roofing company in Arkansas with over 55 years of experience in the residential roofing industry. We’re happy to lead the way!

Schedule a Roof Inspection with a Roofing Company in Arkansas

If you want to avoid roof repair in Arkansas, your first step should be to schedule a roof inspection. While many roofing issues, such as missing shingles or interior water stains, are visible with an untrained eye, professional roofers know where to look for less conspicuous signs of wear and tear. If any issues are identified, your roofer can help you develop the next phase of your roof care plan, which includes fixing the problems before they escalate into something costly. Late summer is a great time to get on the books, so don’t delay!

Do a Gutter Sweep

One of the most frequent calls for roof repair in Arkansas stems from clogged gutter systems. Roof leaks are often caused by standing water that works its way under the shingles and eventually seeps through the roofing membrane and into the room below. Appropriately positioned gutter systems help prevent this by channeling water away from your roof and your home’s foundation. The trouble starts when autumn leaves and debris are allowed to accumulate in the gutter troughs. When they fill up, they can’t function at full capacity. Clean out the gutters, and then hire a roofer to inspect them to ensure that they’re working the way they should to protect your roof and the rest of your home.

Clean Up the Perimeter

During the fall months, windy conditions can cause dead branches or loose brush to fly up and strike stationary objects (like your roof). When this happens, your roof is susceptible to damage in the form of loose gutters or the stripping of granules from your shingles. Luckily, this problem is avoidable. Before autumn gets here, consider hiring an arborist to trim back trees and shrubbery that could cause trouble. Most roofers recommend trimming foliage and branches back at least 10 feet from the roof’s edge. Dispose of all the clippings ASAP. You don’t want them blowing around later!

Need Help Preparing Your Roof for Fall? Call Shamrock Roofing

If you’re looking for a roofing company in Arkansas to take care of your roof prep needs, look no further than Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We offer the area’s most diverse menu of residential roofing services, and we’d love to earn your business. Contact us today to schedule a free roof inspection with one of our experienced roofers. Then get ready to enjoy the cooler weather!