How to Spot Storm Chasers

During stormy seasons in Kansas City, it’s not uncommon for out-of-state roofing contractors to descend upon the city to chase business. These roofers have become known as “storm chasers” because they operate like modern-day gypsies, traveling across the United States in pursuit of easy insurance business. Unfortunately, these companies are notorious for leaving customers with problems once they pack their bags and move on.
Remember that when you suffer storm damage, the best remedy is to call a reputable roofing company in Kansas City, like Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We’ll ensure the repairs are done right, and we back our work afterward, so you won’t find yourself in a bind later.
Here are a few ways to identify potential storm chasers if they come knocking.
They Ask for Money Up Front
The best way to know you’re dealing with a storm chaser is when they ask for money up front. They’ll often show up at the front door promising to check your roof and fix any issues if you’ll pay them right now to do so. This creates headaches later when something goes wrong with the “repair” and you need to get hold of them for assistance. They’re usually nowhere to be found and you’re left with a shoddy repair job and potentially bigger issues because of it.
When a storm chaser identifies an area with potential roofing insurance opportunities, they waste no time trying to get as much money from the residents as possible, as quickly as possible. They’ll offer to fix your roof on the spot if you pay them cash right then. They may even say this is your only opportunity to get such a deal. Reputable companies that do roof repair in Kansas City don’t engage in high-pressure practices such as this.
They Push You to File a Claim
Since a storm chaser is trying to generate the maximum amount of business as quickly as possible, they’ll try to push you to file a claim and sign a contract with them to do the repair work. It’s essential that you don’t fall for this ruse because it could lead you into a nightmare. There’s no reason to move at a breakneck pace when considering something as important as work on your roof.
If the damage to your roof is severe enough that water is leaking inside the house, call a local roofing company that offers 24/7 emergency services for help instead.
They Aren’t a Local Business
If a roofer comes knocking, one of the first things you should do is to verify where the company is headquartered. If they’re a local roofing company in Kansas City, they should have business cards, literature, and a website that identifies their market. A quick check of the license plate on the storm chaser’s vehicle might be all you need. And an internet search on the company can save you a lot of heartburn down the line.
Other Shady Practices
You should be concerned if you’re presented with unusual requests, such as paying for work not yet completed or signing a document just to have someone take a look at your roof. Other ploys may also be offered, such as offering to pay your deductible for you; this is illegal in most areas. Legitimate companies that do roof repair in Kansas City don’t engage in these sketchy tactics designed to wrestle a quick dollar and a commitment from you.
Trusted Professionals Handle All Your Roofing Needs
The roof on your home is one of the most valuable investments you’ll ever make, so it’s critically important to partner with a local roofing contractor you can trust. Most roofs require maintenance after installation, making it doubly important to build a relationship with a reputable, reliable local roofer.
If your roof is the victim of storm damage, don’t delay. Call Shamrock Roofing and Construction. We’ve been a trusted roofing company in Kansas City for over 55 years. We’ll take care of you and your roof. Contact us today for more information on our storm damage repair services. And send the storm chasers packing!