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Metal Roofing – Fact or Fiction? Myths Debunked

Word-of-mouth communication can be pretty powerful. It can be used to spread helpful information or to spread untruths. Word-of-mouth communication can be applied to many situations and events in life, such as people, politics, and science, to name a few. Oddly enough, person-to-person communication applies to roofing materials too! Roofing styles gain a reputation (good or bad) when people tell their friends about their experiences with them. And once the word is spread, it can be hard to undo.

Metal roofing has gotten an unfair reputation in the eyes of local homeowners. The roofing pros at Shamrock Roofing and Construction are big fans of metal roofing for many reasons. We feel it’s time to debunk some of the myths that have been spread about this trendy roofing material. 

Myth #1: It Attracts Lightning

Unfortunately, roofing contractors in Fayetteville are constantly battling the falsehood that homes with metal roofs are at a higher risk of a lightning strike than homes with other types of roofs. Homeowners often ignore metal roofing as an option because of this myth. While it’s true that metal conducts electricity, it doesn’t attract it. Metal roofing has excellent fire-resistance ratings. If your home has a metal roof and is struck by lightning, that roof may actually save the house — and your family, too. Metal roofing is one of the safest on the market.

Myth #2: It’s Noisy

We don’t blame homeowners for buying into the myth that metal roofs are noisy. The old tin roofs of yesteryear certainly were. But that’s because they were made of a single layer of metal. Today’s metal roofing is composed of layers. The external layer of the roof is made of aluminum, copper, or zinc, but the installation process involves layering the final metal over several sheets of underlayment and insulation. That means that metal roofs are no noisier than any other style of roof. 

Myth #3: It’s Subject to the Whims of Outdoor Temperatures

Many people also assume that metal roofing makes the house colder in the winter and hotter in the summer. This is another myth. While metal does get colder during the winter months and hotter in the summer, roofing contractors in Fayetteville know that the metal portion of the roof isn’t the roof’s only line of defense. The metal shingles are the final layer in a string of protective materials that lie underneath. These other layers have insulating properties that help your home maintain a more consistent temperature inside, regardless of the outside temperature. Myth busted!

Myth #4: It’s Delicate

The average metal sheet is notorious for getting dents and dings and being easily bent and abraded. However, these delicate qualities don’t transfer to metal roofing. Metal roofing is extremely durable. There’s no need to worry about roof damage from hail or small sticks and branches. And you can walk on a metal roof as long as you’re careful — just the same as any other roof type. (Of course, we recommend that you leave the roof-walking to the professionals!) The texturized nature of a metal roof adds a layer of protection, making it even less susceptible to minor damage.

Ready to Go With Metal Roofing? Contact Shamrock!

With these metal roofing myths debunked, there’s no reason not to consider this trendy roofing product for your next roof replacement. Experts on roofing in Fayetteville — like our team at Shamrock Roofing — have tested metal roofing products inside and out. We give metal roofing a big thumbs up for the Fayetteville area. Contact us today to learn more about metal roofing and whether it’s the right choice for you!