Repair or Replace? How to Evaluate Your Commercial Roof Status

Commercial buildings are a significant investment, and they require a bit of care and regular maintenance if you want to reap a proper return on that investment. One often overlooked area of maintenance is the rooftop structure. Commercial roofing should be inspected annually at a minimum and may require major repairs or replacement every 25-30 years, depending on factors like geographic location, weather conditions, and the composition of the existing roof.
While a consistent maintenance routine can keep your roof in great shape, there are times when a new roof is the only option. Employing a reputable commercial roofing contractor to do a roof evaluation in Kansas City is the first step in identifying the status of your commercial roof, but there are some tell-tale signs that a new roof may be in the financial plan for next year.
The Cost Analysis Says So
One rule of thumb to use to determine when it’s time for a new roof installation in Kansas City is when the cost of repairs is at least 50% of the cost of a brand-new roof. Many minor repairs can be made to a roof structure, but eventually, they add up. If you find that you’re paying more to repair the roof in a year than what it would cost to install a new one, your decision is pretty much made for you.
You can do minor inspections on the roof yourself without too much trouble since most commercial roofs are flat. Look for visible damage like pooling water, open drainage pipes, and cracks and punctures in the surface of the roof or the seals around openings in the roof. If you notice damage, get a commercial roofer out to take a closer look as soon as possible. They can estimate the cost to repair, which will help you complete a detailed cost analysis.
The Roof’s Life Expectancy Has Run Its Course
While commercial roofs are built from a variety of materials, each roofing structure comes with an average life expectancy. The type of material used on the roofing structure usually determines this timeline. Paperwork from the original installation should include this information, but you can also consult with a roofing expert. After a thorough roof evaluation in Kansas City, you should have all the information you need to determine whether repairs will be sufficient or whether it’s time to install a new roof.
Rising Utility Costs
When utility bills become burdensome, roof repair in Kansas City will no longer do the trick. A hike in your energy bill is a red flag that your current roof is no longer functioning at its best. Of course, things like changing rates or wasteful practices could be to blame, but if you’ve ruled out these scenarios, an aging roof could be the source of the problem. In this instance, it’s time to replace your existing structure with a more modern, energy-efficient version.
Ready for Your Roof Installation in Kansas City?
When it’s time to make the tough call, you’re in good hands with Shamrock Roofing and Construction. Our well-qualified team can assist with all your commercial roofing needs. Whether you need to assess roof damage, identify the source of leaks, or you suspect it’s time to install a new commercial roof, we are here to help. Contact us today!