Summer Roof Maintenance Tips

Homeownership is a satisfying venture. Taking care of your own place creates a sense of pride and accomplishment. The enjoyment you get from a productive day working around the house is second to none. Plus, many homeowners reap financial gains when it’s time to sell the house, especially if they’ve kept up with regular maintenance during the years they’ve lived there.
That said, many homeowners are hyper-focused on aesthetic upgrades and fail to give the appropriate level of attention to the home’s MVP: the roof. This is a major oversight, especially when it’s time for summer roof maintenance. Summer in Arkansas offers a slew of unfavorable conditions (think heat, humidity, and summer storms) that can really do a number on your roof if you haven’t taken appropriate precautions.
Don’t be caught in need of a roof replacement in Little Rock. Follow these summer roof maintenance tips brought to you by the pros at Shamrock Roofing and Construction.
Fix Big Problems
One of the best (and easiest) ways to care for your roof is to fix obvious signs of wear and tear. Most major problems, such as large hail dents, curled shingles, or misshapen flashing, can be viewed from ground level. If you notice this type of damage, it’s time to call in a local roofing company for a roof inspection on your Little Rock home!
Sweep the Gutters
Gutters are an important piece of any high-functioning roofing structure. However, clogged gutters can throw off the whole system and ruin its efficiency. When summer storms strike, your gutters are a catch-all for loose debris, dirt, and branches. When full of these stray elements, your gutters will trap water rather than redirect it. This can lead to more issues (leaks, mold, or mildew), so it’s a good idea to give your gutters a good sweeping out before summer is in full swing.
Install Better Ventilation
One of the top calls for roof replacement in Little Rock stems from damage due to inadequate ventilation. Your home’s exhaust vents are designed to whisk away moisture and circulate fresh air so mold and mildew don’t become an issue. Local roofers recommend an annual assessment of your ventilation system. The transition period between spring and summer is a great time to get it done!
Scrub Your Roof Squeaky Clean
If you get a roof inspection in Little Rock completed, the roofer will more than likely suggest giving your roof a bath. After a season of colder weather, it’s normal to have a roof covered with dirt, leaves, and other natural debris. This material provides a space for unwanted pests and small critters to make nests. It also creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew growth.
Roofers recommend scrubbing your rooftop with a roof brush or spraying it lightly with a garden hose. Power washing is NOT recommended, as it may blast away granules and damage your shingles. A simple, gentle scrub every now and again is enough to keep your roof in top shape year-round!
Call Shamrock Roofing to Get Your Roof Summer-Ready!
Summer weather is already on its way, but it’s not too late to get a free roof inspection in Little Rock. Our team at Shamrock Roofing and Construction will give you their expert advice on how best to tackle your roof maintenance routine. Contact us today for more information or to get on our schedule. Then get ready to enjoy summer activities, knowing your roof is prepared for the season!