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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

The 3 Biggest Dangers to Your Home’s Roof

Your roof works hard to protect you, your family, and your home every day!  This means that your roof is under constant danger of roof repair in Johnson County and needing to install a new roof in Johnson County.  The more you know, the more proactive of a homeowner you can be.  It’s not easy comforting a child when they are afraid of the dark, but it is easier to relieve the fear and tension of hail damage, for example, from your roof.  Here are the 3 biggest dangers to your home’s roof from the best roofer in Johnson County!



During the winter, we are lucky!  We get to cozy up on the couch under warm blankets and pillows while your roof has to bear the harsh weather.  We view winter as beautiful, romantic, and magical, your roof views winter as emergency roof repair in Johnson County waiting to happen.  When major snowfalls cause a large amount of snow to collect on top of your roof, the weight increase can be substantial and weaken the internal structure of your roof.  In extreme circumstances, snowfall can even cause your roof to collapse.


To help combat this danger that is sure to need attention from one of the best Johnson County roofing companies, keep an eye on your attic before and after snowfalls to make sure you notice any changes.  Catching a leak earlier rather than later can save you thousands.




Your roof might be beautiful to people, but even more beautiful to your neighboring animals.  If your roof could talk, it would tell you all about the nightmares it has of pests seeking refuge on and within it.  Keep your roof protected from the threats of nosey animals.  Check your roof for any holes, weakened shingles, or scratches and bite marks.


Remember to check your attic frequently for any signs of termites and ants.  Insects can be extremely damaging, and even the best residential roofing contractors in Johnson County come face to face with them more than they would like.


Wind Damage


Wind can be extremely damaging to your roof.  If the wind blows just the right way, your roof can lose shingles, suffer from constant beatings and hammerings, and even blow other dangerous, sharp, or heavy objects upon your rooftop.  Overly weathered roofs that have lost shingles due to wind are extremely susceptible to further wind damage.  Make sure to call upon trusted roof repair in Johnson County for proper, routine maintenance and inspections.


Wind that is short of hurricane speeds should not post a major threat to your roof, but it can if your roof has been poorly maintained.  Keeping your roof in healthy condition is essential to maintaining a safe home. If you do have a damaged roof, then there are ways in which you can help your contractor with repairs to reduce the overall costs.