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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

We Care For Our Veterans – Know How Shamrock Roofer Contributes

We are patriots, we are a business that is very proud of its American heritage. The United States of America is the greatest nation on this earth because of the sweat and blood that our people have put in to make this nation great. 

Not everything is about money, this is what we believe in. A business needs to be socially responsible and sensitive to the issues of the region. Although we never took caring for our veterans and ex-military personals as an issue but as a social responsibility. A lot is being done for our people in the green, but no matter how much effort you put in their welfare it doesn’t seem enough. What they have done for the nation cannot be paid back, what best we can do is give our contribution towards making their lives a bit more comfortable. 

We care for our veterans! 

Words are words and action is action, we believe in doing more than plain-talking, as a token of gratitude towards the services that these marvellous souls have rendered for protecting our way of life, The Shamrock Roofer gives away a roof to a nominated veteran every quarter. 

If you know of a veteran that needs our help, then do visit our website and fill in the nomination. The link is:

By doing so, you would be doing us a great favour. As we mentioned before there are things that go beyond money and business. Helping a veteran in need is an opportunity that we seldom like to leave idle. Once again, we request our readers to nominate veterans in the St Louis area. It will be our honour to help them improve their quality of life. Let’s honour those who are responsible for the upkeep of our way of life and the freedom we enjoy today.