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Weather and Climate in Lee’s Summit

Lee’s Summit does have average weather and climate. During the summers Lee’s summit experiences hot, muggy and wet weather and extremely cold winter. Most time of the year the skies are not clear and are partly cloudy.  The temperature is generally varying between 23°F and 89°F. Rare is the occasion when the temperature is less than 7°F or more than 97°F.

The best time to be at Lee’s Summit is between the months of May to late September. This is when people can experience warm weather activities.

The February hot climate will last for about 3 to 6 months, I.e., from May 31 to September 16. July 21st is considered to be the hottest day on the calendar. The temperature usually hovers between a maximum of 89°F and a minimum of 79°F.

The cold season will last for up to 3 months I.e., from November 27 to February 26, the average highest temperatures reported daily is less than 49°F.  

There are seasonal climatic changes that are significant and the cloud covers the skies most of the times.  The skies of Lee’s Summit will be clear during the months of June and will last 4 to 6 months. The season will end in the month of October. The clearest day of the year will be on 26th August. This is the time when the sky is mostly clear or partly cloudy as 71% of the time is clear and cloudy climate will be 29% of the time. October 30 is the start of the cloudiest time of the year and will last for more than 7 months. This season will end on the 9th of June. The cloudiest day of the year is recorded on the 12th of February. The conditions are overcast or 52% of the sky is cloudy and the remaining is mostly clear.