Winterizing Your Residential Roof

The winter season in Kansas City is full of natural beauty. Wide tree-lined streets boast canopies of branches glittering with icicles, and the area’s quaint historic neighborhoods burn with the seasonal glow of firelight. However, winters in Kansas City are also notorious for heavy snowfalls and brutal temperatures that can damage your home’s rooftop structure if you don’t properly prepare. That said, you don’t have to go into winter with your fingers crossed. Here are a few ways to be proactive when it comes to winterizing your roof for the season.
Double-Check From the Ground
As a homeowner, there are some things you can do on your own to prep for winter. Eyeball your roof’s exterior for visible signs of damage like missing shingles, warped wood, or bent materials. You can also scope the interior, looking for stains or mold on the ceiling and in crevices between the ceilings and walls. If you notice anything that looks suspicious or raises a red flag, consider having a roof evaluation in Kansas City completed before winter arrives.
Clean the Gutters and Add Snow Guards
The best Kansas roofers will tell you it’s important to clean your gutters before the first snowfall. The leaves of autumn pile up quickly and can easily impact proper drainage. To get ready for winter, clean the gutters of excess debris, and run a hose through them to ensure water is still flowing away from the house. You might also consider hiring one of the area’s most reputable Kansas City residential roofing companies to assist with snow guard installation. These rooftop devices prevent snow build-up and reduce the risk of an avalanche-type drop.
Snip Surrounding Tree Limbs
Falling limbs are a considerable hazard, one that’s not uncommon in the winter months. Snow can be heavy, so before winter arrives, inventory the trees in your yard for dead or loose branches. You should also make a note of any limbs rubbing up against your home. Trim these boughs back as a precautionary measure before winter sets in. This one step can prevent a lot of winter roof damage.
Have Your Chimney Inspected
Nothing screams “cozy” more than a crackling fire during a winter frost. However, failure to inspect your chimney before building that first fire could have dire consequences. A chimney inspection can be coupled with a roof evaluation for optimal peace of mind before the winter season gets here.
Ready for Your Pre-Winter Roof Evaluation in Kansas City?
When spring finally gets here, everyone will be thankful if they don’t need roof repair in Kansas City. Start planning now to do what you can to make sure your home is prepped for winter. If you’re ready to winterize your roof, let our team of Kansas roofers help. Our crew at Shamrock Roofing and Construction can help with all your residential roof winterization needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!