Showing Up For Our Community
Shamrock Cares


At Shamrock Roofing and Construction we love the community we serve! It’s important to us to be aware, involved, engaged, and, most of all, to make a difference. 

First and foremost, it is our priority as a premier roofing company to serve the community by producing a quality product and service. But there are so many other ways Shamrock wants to impact the community. 

For one, we want to be aware and responsive to imminent weather changes and the effects that inclement weather has on our surrounding community. We take pride in being present when massive needs arise so we can provide help in tough situations.

Shamrock Roofing and Construction wants to impact all ages in the local community-starting with kids-the future “builders” in this generation! Check out the team of young men that Shamrock has the opportunity to sponsor.

Shamrock Roofing Community

Another way we love our community, Shamrock takes pride in being involved in the lives of our Veterans and First Responders. These honorable men and women are the pillars of character and bravery that inspire the rest of us to not only get up in the morning but to give it our all in whatever area of work we are in.

Shamrock Roofing Gives Away a Free Roof To a Military Family Quarterly

If you’re interested in becoming a part of our Shamrock team apply @

Finally, we want to be engaged in our community by helping improve the lives of others. One way Shamrock Roofing and Construction does this is by providing the training and opportunity to become part of the Shamrock Team. We not only need people who are willing to become exemplary employees so we can meet our expanding needs, but we desire to meet your needs for personal growth and provision for your families. We are grateful for the opportunity to work and grow as a community.



Shamrock Roofing is proud to support the men and women who keep this nation free. We believe that America is the land of the free only because it is the home of the brave. But too many of those brave warriors are living in poor housing conditions. Some need roofing repairs or even a new roof.

That’s where the “Roof 4 a Hero” program comes in. We take nominations from friends or family of warriors who need help with their roofs. We carefully review each nominee and select a winner who has served our country with honor and who deserves a new roof. Then we come out and build a new roof. It’s that simple.


In association with The Slacker Morning Show, Shamrock Roofing and Construction and the Car Santa work to bring cars and roofs to the veterans that need them. Below is the segment featuring Garen Armstrong originally aired on May 24th, 2021.

A Message From Garen Armstrong

Why is it Important to me?  The Gift of Life!

I am alive because of Donate Life. I waited close to 3 yrs on a heart transplant list. Many people die while waiting on organ donation lists. I am one of the lucky ones. I want to have a part in getting the number of organ donors up. Someone gave me the gift of life and I want to help raise awareness to help others receive the gift of life.

Donate Life America (, is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the number of registered organ, eye, and tissue donors in the country. Donate Life America educates the public on the growing need for donors, encourages people to register as donors, and manages the National Donate Life Registry at With Shamrock, I want to help save lives by raising awareness. Roofing is my platform to help.

I’m Giving Back

Since this organization is so near and dear to my heart – literally – all Shamrock Roofing trucks will soon be stocked with a supply of personalized license plates that say, “Donate Life.” The proceeds from the sale of these license plates will go to support Donate Life America.

Put Unity in Community Scholarship for Fall Semester 2025

Scholarship amount: $1,000
Open application dates January 1, 2025 – April 30, 2025
The winner will be notified on May 30, 2025
Scholarship awarded for Fall Semester 2025