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Don't Rely on Luck With Your Roof

Solar Panels or The New Tesla Solar Roof?

Solar energy is not a new concept. Solar panels have been on the market for several years now, and many homeowners have already made this financially savvy investment. However, the latest technology in solar energy now branches out a bit further than merely adding panels to an existing roof structure. 

Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors, recently announced the release of his latest solar roof tile aimed at providing an economically sound full roofing option for homeowners in need of a roof redo. This unveiling comes after several years of silence on the topic, initially introduced in 2016. Tesla now claims they’re ready to begin roofing en masse. But how do you know whether this is the best option for your home? It’s always a good idea to visit with your local Overland Park roofing company before making a big change like adding solar panels to a new roof. Here are three things you can weigh on your own before diving into the latest solar trend.

The Age of Your Existing Roof

There’s no doubt, an entirely solar-powered roof could reap huge economic rewards. However, re-roofing comes at a cost, and that’s especially true if your existing roof is newly manufactured. As a homeowner, you’ll want to evaluate the numbers or discuss the options with one of the trusted roofing contractors in Overland Park. If your home’s roof was installed in the last three years, it’s probably more economically sound to add panels versus investing in a brand new protective solar coating. 

Compare Warranty Terms

It’s always a good idea to revisit the warranties associated with a newly installed solar roof. Sometimes your solar energy savings can be sucked away by a faulty or minuscule warranty package. If the trade-off doesn’t make sense when you run the numbers, stick to adding solar panels instead of the full roof option. Roofing contractors in Overland Park are more than happy to help you review the fine print before making a decision.

Are Aesthetics Important?

While solar roofs are trendy, sleek, and efficient, they’re still relatively new to the market. With that, they’re limited in the aesthetic options offered. The new Tesla roof comes exclusively in black tile, and so far, there’s no timeline for additional colors and textures. If you’re particular about the look of your roof, it may be best to hold off. 

Our Overland Park Roofing Company Can Help 

Whether you’re on the fence or ready to take the plunge, our team of experienced roofing contractors in Overland Park can help. We stay abreast of all the latest roofing trends and can talk you through any concerns. Give us a call today for a free roof inspection and consultation!